Anti-White … be careful not to wake the sleeping Giant!

Gary W. writes: Chuck with all this anti -white rhetoric being brandished will the media ever calm down?!

Gary…I must say it is disturbing. And this reply is in no way meant to reflect support for any extreme white group or agenda! Having said that…

Most people are Americans! We hate the racial divide and polarization that the media and social media thrive to present! We long for them to be replaced by morality, decency, kindness and equality as members of the human race! But when will the sleeper awaken, when will the sleeping giant rise up?

If you believe the news today white males are the problem…not crime, not hatred, not bad apples and actors. We glorify riots, burnings and killings, we make martyrs out of criminals, we condemn and kill the police…I could go on and on…this is so sad!

Now lets look through our brothers eyes…police are more distrustful of black males, they believe because you are white you are either given everything or inherited everything, they view all history through the lens of today. They can call you racist and destroy you.

And please do not hit me with the privilege-fragility jargon and I won’t hit you with all the affirmative action and programs targeted at providing relief and equalizing the playing field.

So who is the sleeper, the sleeping giant? They are none other than responsible people of all races who will join to condemn violence, racial division, and the inflammatory rhetoric spewing from so many! Our institutions are not broken, they were not broken in the past, there was subjugation and oppression before in history and we should not erase it but learn and move forward as One Nation! The issues cannot be debated when one side uses violence, intimidation and indecent behavior to the point of shouting down any opposing views. Let’s debate the facts, clean up the bad actors and reform where needed to insure equal treatment for everyone…including the white male!


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